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Dallas Football Music Texas Webpage

Tommy Loy, Dallas Cowboy Trumpeter

August 18, 2021
After he performed The National Anthem for Mr. Murchison, he waited to hear if he got the job. The clock was fast approaching kickoff and he hadn’t heard if he was selected so he prepared to find a place to watch the game. Five minutes before kickoff, he got the call that Mr. Murchison wanted to go with his solo rendition, which began what would be a 22-year stint as the Dallas Cowboys solo trumpeter.
Dallas Music Texas Webpage


July 10, 2021
Willie had me come up to Colorado – actually, had me paint a tepee for him at his place. It was actually on the Barbara Walters special with Willie. If you look in the background, you’ll see a tepee. So, I was there painting the tepee. Then, we did the picnic in ’79. Willie had just bought the country club down there – Pedernales Country Club. So, we did that picnic – well, it was right after the picnic. So then, he wanted me to come up to Colorado to his house. He’d bought another tepee that he wanted me to paint. This thing was huge. It was in Life magazine. You should see that.
Football Texas Webpage


March 13, 2021
Right, and I didn’t know anything. I was just playing football. But the first time I noticed about colleges is Keifer Chatham. I don’t know if you knew Keifer Chatham, he was a defensive end for us. He was like a top 20, a top 30 ranked. He was a senior when I was a junior. And I came out the locker room, when I came out the locker room I was running, and I did a flip. I ran and did a flip, woo! And I was almost like a double. I got lead and I kept running. I guess all of the scouts was out there. They was like, “Who is that?” Because he was like, “That’s Louis Fite. He is gonna be the best.”
Dallas Football Texas Webpage


February 20, 2021
Growing up in Austin was a great experience. I was loved. I was disciplined, but again I had a little thug in me, which doesn’t hurt you over your lifetime. You get to protect yourself and you have very little fear and anxiety because basically, I can’t be intimidated. There’s some value to being thuggish.
Dallas Football Texas Webpage


February 20, 2021
Clint Murchison signs Don Meredith to a 5 year personal service contract with his marine company Tecon to lock him up for the proposed Dallas Steers franchise. In November 1959, they also signed Don Perkins to a personal-services contract for a $1,500 bonus and a $10,000 salary