Electric trolley in front of Sklllern’s in Oak Cliff. Photo courtesy Internet included in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107.
An Oak Cliff Girl
by Mary Catherine Newton Maxwell
Edited by Paul Heckmann
I am a product of Oak Cliff, Texas, a fact I state proudly. Born at Methodist Hospital, which now has a different look, my first several years were spent in Cockrell Hill. That was long before I knew about Sarah Cockrell and how she helped early Dallas.

L.O. Donald Elementary Banner, Photo courtesy Mary Catherine Newton Maxwell
My world was very small for most of my formative years. We moved just to the outskirts of Cockrell Hill when I began school, attending L.O. Donald Elementary. It was just a typical school, with open windows and doors and nature was our air conditioning. The playground was nothing special, but we all loved the tether ball and jungle gym. Girls never wore anything but dresses to school, but outdoor play required pants to be worn under them. Modesty was a virtue. Shoes were, for the most part, saddle oxfords, which were foam-polished when needed.. A highlight, for the girls anyway, was square dance lessons. The boys, whom we likely referred to as ‘rat finks’ because we were sure they had cooties, reluctantly accepted the challenge of doing an alaman left, but, in the end, I think enjoyed the dance as well.
We had no car, and I’ll resist the story that we walked a mile to school in the snow, but yes, we walked to school, no matter the weather. If we needed to go where legs wouldn’t take us, we would ride the bus. Sometimes, we had to take a paper transfer from the driver, in order to reach our destination, but we rarely left Oak Cliff. In fact, I distinctly remember my Mother telling us, “There is no reason to go to the other side of the Trinity River.” We took the Dallas Times Herald newspaper. It was known as the paper for “our side of town.” We had paper boys who rode their bikes and we knew all their names and where they would throw our paper. Our mail was delivered by a mailman (never a woman) who would walk to the door and put the mail in a metal box by the door.
We never had central heat or air and only when I became a teenager did we have a fan and it was a swamp fan. All during the day and night, we would have to take turns going outside, turn on the water hose, and wet the panels of the fan, if we wanted cool air. Summer nights, we slept on pallets in front of the fan and winter nights, four of us girls slept in one bed, topped with two quilts.
A good day for me and my gal pals was to pack a sack lunch and hike in the Chalk Hill Escarpment. We never gave thought to the dangers of reptiles or human snakes!

Weiss Park Community Center, Photo courtesy Internet included in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107.
We lived about four or five blocks from Weiss Park. It never occurred to me that it was named for a man named Martin Weiss, a Hungarian immigrant who came to this Country and made significant Civic and philanthropic contributions to the City of Dallas. For us, it was our playground and our refuge. The summer would find us walking barefoot to the park, popping tar bubbles along the way. The park boasted a nice pool and a community center. The former required mass purchases of milk duds and sugar babies for hungry swimmers. The community center offered all kinds of activities for young boys and girls. In 1959, it afforded two special memories for me. First, it was the site of our Seventh Grade Graduation party, a bittersweet ending to the childhood we so loved.

Mary’s 7th grade graduation class in school. Courtesy Mary Catherine Newton Maxwell
Secondly, it allowed me to tap my inner-thespian. A competition was held among city parks. Each would put on a play and compete against one another. In the end, I was awarded Best Actress. Our play was called “A Spacesuit of Roses.” I remember nothing about it, but I still brag….because I can.
There were several Churches in Oak Cliff but we attended Cockrell Hill Missionary Baptist Church. It was about six blocks from the house and we went there out of convenience. I mean no irreverence. We were Baptists (or so we were told), it was there, and we went. I was immersed there, so it has a certain importance to me. We had Training Union and Vacation Bible School. That’s what kids remember. I also remember that, at the end of Church, all the men congregated on the front steps and smoked their cigarettes. That didn’t seem religious to me at the time, but I was just a kid, just trying to reconcile religion and smoking.

Westmoreland Heights Shopping Village, Photo courtesy Internet included in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107.
A mile from our house was the Westmoreland-Heights Shopping Center. It filled every need a family could have. When the school year began, we bought our school supplies at Page Drug Store or Skillern’s Drugs, a little farther North on Westmoreland, at Clarendon. If we spent $5.00, we got a free milk shake.
We called it “The Heights.” It had a theatre by the same name. Oh, it was glorious. It was cool and that was always a draw. The snack bar had all the usual elements needed for cavities and on top of the counter was a huge jar of dill pickles. My best friend, Sharon, always got the pickle. I got the cavities.
I saw “The Blob” there. I was scared out of my wits. The movie house also had a cry room. Couples would try to go in there for stolen kisses, but would get asked to leave so crying babies would have a place to yell. There were also dances there. Really, it was the bomb!
We would also walk to Cockrell Hill. Back then (old person vernacular), there were several places of interest. Gilley’s Pharmacy was a cornucopia of everything and more.

Gilley’s Pharmacy in Oak Cliff, courtesy Mary Catherine Newton Maxwell
There was a little diner with tabletop jukeboxes, always a hit with young teens, a drive-in burger joint called The Bronco, where, and listen closely, we got 10 hamburgers for $1.00. There was also the Hill Theatre, which was owned by Gene Autry, yes, the very one. I barely remember it and later, it became a skate rink, and then, I believe, a hardware store. Another skate rink in the vicinity was The Rocket. It was grand, with the disco ball and all. I can still hear the announcer say, “All skate.”
We had two drive-in theatres we frequented, the Jefferson and the Chalk Hill. “It has been said that teens used to pile into the trunk of the car so that only the driver had to pay to enter. “
Junior High School, this before they were called Middle School, was L.V. Stockard. These years were the best and helped transition us from kids to young adults. I was fortunate enough to be in the Drill Team and also had amazing teachers. A notable distinction of that school is that Stevie and Jimmie Vaughn attended. They were younger so I didn’t know them, but I do throw out their names when I am trying to impress.

The DFW famous Aunt Stelle’s snowcones, Photo courtesy Internet included in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107.
We began to branch out, geographically speaking. We would patronize Aunt Stelle’s, play miniature golf at Shadybrook in Cockrell Hill, take the bus “down on Jefferson,” to visit Sears, Red Bryans, McCrory’s, the Army/Navy Store, and other notable places.
On occasion, we would bowl at Bronco on Ft. Worth Avenue. It had been built where Mustang Village had previously been. We lived there for about a year when I was around ten, so I was always intrigued that I bowled on the land on which I had previously lived.

An advertisement for the opening of J. Curtis Sanford’s establishment, Bronco Bowl, Jun. 30, 1961, courtesy Dallas Morning News.
Other hot spots were the Texas Theatre on Jefferson, and the Wynnewood Theatre in Wynnewood Village. The latter was a robust shopping center that offered a wonderful array of shopping opportunities.

Lake Cliff Pool Park, Photo courtesy Internet included in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107.
On the most special of occasions, we would go to Lake Cliff Park. It would involve the obligatory trip across the street to the Polar Bear, after photos were taken at the beautiful park, which I now know was once an amazing complex of pools, skate rinks, and theatres.

Mary and friends at the State Fair. Photo courtesy Mary Catherine Newton Maxwell
The biggest treat of all was taking to the bus to the State Fair of Texas. We would be given $5. We had a free ticket from school, so the $5 was all ours for spending money. We would meet at Big Tex, just like everyone does now, but quickly we would run to the Midway, where we would ride the Wild Mouse, try to peak in the Side Shows, get treats at the Women’s Building, and watch the Hootchie girls at the Cotton Club Revue, as they wiggled to the song, Green Onions. We would stay until almost dark, returning home via the bus and with money to spare.
Looking back, and I do that a lot now, those were the best of times. Little did I know about the rich history of the Community or the people who were instrumental in creating it, but I now have a great appreciation for all of them. ~A girl from Oak Cliff, aka ‘an Oak Cliff girl’

Mary’s sister in front of Polar Bear Ice Cream. Photo courtesy Mary Catherine Newton Maxwell
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Lynell Smith
Mary, I absolutely love this, but you knew I would.
Betty Smith
Awesome recollections Mary. I relate to so many of those special places. I attended Rosemont, Greiner and Sunset, class of ‘56. Thanks for sharing. You have a good memory.
Kaye Moon Winters
Oh, Mary! Where to begin? I walked every word of the way with you in this captivating piece of heart and soul and home. I can’t begin to express my appreciation for your writing skills as well your memory. Because of the first, you awakened the second. From one Oak Cliff Girl to another, keep writing and telling our stories. You make us proud. ❤️
Debra Curtis Goodwin
Mary, I enjoyed reading your childhood story. We have many of the same experiences. I lived on W. Clarendon Drive, just two houses East from Weiss Park. I spent all of my days at Weiss Park, either in the building, or playing on the grounds, or in the swimming pool; however, mostly in the creeks, where the water was nice and cool to walk in on those hot days of summer.
I attended L. O. Donald elementary school from the second grade through the seventh grade, and I did attend school with Jimmie Vaughan.
I graduated in 1964 from the elementary school, and our graduation ceremony was held at the Community building at Martin Weiss Park. My first grade year was held at a private school known as, New Friends school, on Penrod and Gilpin Street.
I attended L. V. Stockard junior high school in 1965 and 1966. It was my 9th grade year at Stockard where I met my husband.
I attended Kimball high school my sophomore year. I decided to go to Sunset high school my junior and senior year, because that is where my husband attended, although we were just friends by this time, but I still had that school girl crush for him.
Graduated in 1969 from Sunset high school.
(Just a side note: I attended high school with the grandson of L. O. Donald; although, I didn’t discover this until years later).
I worked at Skillern’s drug store on the corner of Westmorland and Clarendon the summer before I became a junior in high school. I was only 15 years old going on sixteen, in the fall, so Christime Priutt hired me to work with her at the Soda fountain. That is where I learned how to be a “Short order cook.”
I could go on and on. I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed your childhood memories.
Susan Boyett
Thank you for the memories.
Kathy Robinson
This is wonderfully written Mary. Thanks for all the memories.
Leslie Harris
OH MY GOODNESS! Polar Bear Ice Cream brings back a happy memory of peppermint ice cream! I think that building is still there!
Sandra Nachlinger
Great memories, Mary, most of which I share. Thanks for the beautiful tribute to OC.
Susan Shanks
My sister and I still use the term “all skate” when we’re talking about the 5th Sunday of the month, when our entire family goes to lunch together after church.
Mary Bob Williamson
I LOVED THIS! I remember all of it! Only thing different, was the electric bus! I do remember “street cars” which were similar and catching them “to go down on Jefferson” with my mom. Thanks for writing this article.
Steve Tunnell
I am also a Cliffer. My Grandfather started Oak Cliff Music in 1926 and our last location was right next store to Red Bryans. I remember people lining up in front of our store on weekends until Oak Cliff went dry and they had to move. I am somewhat younger having been in the same class as Jimmy Vaughn. In fact I walked to his house a few times to watch his band practice. They use to play at all of our parties a some school dances. I also went to L O. Donald but by then they only had 6 grades. So I graduated to Stockard in the 7th grade. And I did live a block from the Heights and also saw my 1st viewing of The Blob there where the flattened out popcorn boxes bec ame the start of the frizbee. It was total chaos. I spent many mornings at Pages Drug Store having hot buttered cinnamon rolls and cherry Pepsis for breakfast. Made most of my money during school pitching quarters behind the gym at Stockard. I enjoyed your memories deeply as I remember every place that you mentioned but I didn’t hear you mention Civils, which wasn’t very Civil. You probably missed the invetion of the scateboard of which we took advantage of the smooth sidewalks at Weiss Park. They were fast so you had to be careful at the bottom of the hill in order to manoeuvre deadman’s curve in order to miss the wall and the fence that surrounded that bountiful pool. I couldn’t wait for them to unlock the snack cage that opened just before the pool. Oh well I could go on forever, but since I’m not a writer I should shut it down. I look forward to reading more of what you have written. I’ll definitely send my email Thanks!
Mary Newton Maxwell
Steve, I remember Sivil’s very well, but purposely omitted the mention because the focus was on the years of my youth. Since I’m considerably older than you, there were no skateboards at Weiss Park. Rather, we had our balancing adventure by way of walking across the drainage pipes that went across Coombs Creek. “The Best of Times”
Steve Speir
Steve I may have gone to school with you at L.O. Donald. I also saw the Blob at the Heights and hung out around Pages Drug. Lived on Western near Duncanville Road. Moved to Waco in 1958 but had many relatives & friends still in Oak Cliff.
Gary Kirkham
Mary! Mary! This is excellent. It brings back a ton of memories for me (how did I ever forget the bubbles in the tar???). I can’t wait to share it with my kids.
Charlotte Lapington Rutland
Wonderful memories! Thank you, Mary.
Jackie Sparks Settles
The house my brother,sister & I grew up in backed up to L O Donald play ground. Mary, we must have been neighbors. I graduated from Sunset HS 1958. Brother & Sister graduated from Kimbell HS. 4 & 5 years later. Such memories you posting brought back. Thank you.
Dennis Lutes
Thanks for the great memories, Fig.
Steve Speir
Absolutely incredible piece of interviewing. Very important article.
Sue Muckenthaler
This was my life also. We must have lived close by. We lived on Rolinda which was the street Stockard faced next to Rugged Road. Swam at Weiss every summer. I took baton lessons there. Saw my first Elvis Presley movie at the Heights theater. I remember spending a nickel to call mom to come get me. I remember the A&P and also the shoe store that was there. There was also a record store where I bought all my Beatles 45’s all in Heights Shopping center. Great memories. I love Oak Cliff.
Sondra Garrett Skaggs
I also grew up in Oak Cliff; attending Clinton P. Russell, Boyce Storey Jr. High and graduating from SOC in 1964. Enjoyed your memories of an area that was our common childhood!
Kaye Findley
From one Oak Cliff gal to another, this gave me happy spirit bumps, my friend. You are such a gifted writer and I’m delighted that you are using not only your gift to write these days, but to take advantage of your great memory as well. I didn’t grow up in the heights but I was born at Methodist Central, grew up in Oak Cliff, and as you know, I went to school with you at Kimball. Thanks for your memories!
Doris L Murphy
You can take the girl outta OC, but you cannot take the OC outta the girl.
Yes, the boys had cooties.
Yes to tar bubbles…that’s how I managed to ruin a perfectly good pair of brand new white sandals…(mom was not pleased)
Yes to Weiss park & swimming.
Yes to Stockard & Sunset.
I was a Peabody kid–also Lida Hooe.
And yes, our world was so very small, as my mom used to say, it was very “uptown” to go shop on Jefferson and she never went without being dressed up, hat, heels & gloves.
Yes to electric streetcars, then buses, but our happy feet took us where we wanted to go without worry.
OC was the Pleasantville of our time.
Larry Moore
Wow, what a great story and comments to spark memories of all of the above. I too am from Oak Cliff (Beckley Heights area), attending T.G. Terry (5th, 6th and 7th), T.W. Brown Junior High, Kimball High (Soph), and D.W. Carter High (Jr & Sr.), as the FIRST graduating class from Carter High. I lived at home (Redbird at Hampton area) and commuted to UTA through Duncanville, before there was an I-20.
I’ve got check marks placed beside most of the places previously mentioned but can add a few: Wee St. Andrews mini-golf, A. Harris Shopping, Beckley-Saner Gym, Beckley Heights Baptist Church, Westminster Youth Choir at Oak Cliff Presbyterian (10th at Madison).
I attended Casa View Elementary 1st thru 4th grade. My dad died, mom remarried, and we moved to Oak Cliff. Many great childhood memories in Casa View too. White Rock Skating Rink (They finally took down the actual building structure just last year) was a big deal then (mid-50’s). Perhaps I will write down some of those memories in an article.
Harry Stubbs
Excellent work. Thank you for your great contribution, H
Ernest C Elizardo
I lived next to your grandmother until her death. She was already older and kept to herself. She was always hiring us to do chores for her. I found a pic recently and her car is in the background that big kong silver towncar.
Liz Villanueva-Chase
Loved your story Mary. I love Oak Cliff too. I was born there and attended Rosemont, Greiner, and Sunset. The best of times. I still love going to visit OC. Thanks for taking us down memory lane and reminding us how great it was to be raised in Oak Cliff.
Jackie Dossett Hines
I am so glad for this website. My family arrived in the Farmersville area during the Republic of Texas. My father was born on a farm outside of Terrell and always thought of Oak Cliff as the best place to raise a family. When he received orders to go to Viet Nam, he moved us to Oak Cliff to be near family. I grew up going to Stevens Park, Greiner and graduated from Sunset. My year as a Jacketeer at Greiner was by far my favorite year of school. I am proud that I am still friends and visit so many of my school friends from each school. I look forward to reading all the stories.
royce pipes
Great memories of the area. I went to Reagan, Greiner, and Adamson. The the Army, college and lots of other stories.
Barbara Shortt
What a great story. I forgot all about Skillerns. And tar bubbles. I lived in Mesquite for first 15 years.
Steve Armstrong
Great story-my grandfather and his brother built most of the old buildings up and down Jefferson in Cockrell Hill. They moved there in 1913 and new the Cockrell Family quite well. My grandfather and great uncle ran a credit grocery store at Cockrell Hill Rd. (then called Duncanville Rd.) and Jefferson, in a building they also built. Gene Autry purchased many of the buildings from them, including the roller rink (later Gilleys before they moved down the street) Bonnie and Clyde were regular shoplifting customers during the 1930’s. My grandmother spoke often of the electric interurban train, the old trestles of which used to be visible across the street from the Jefferson Drive In. Ride to Waco for $1.50 !!